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Opportunity Cost Breakdown For Purchasing Atlas Bucks

This post contains a series of tables that show how long it will take you to get your money back as compared to not spending it. By a series of tables, I really mean it! There are two tables for every variation of purchase. The information contained in these tables builds on my previous post: How Much Is One Atlas Buck Worth In Rent?

Select a topic, below.

Note: For non-USA, check tables 3 and 4 for calculations. Also, special thanks to /u/Entire_Ad_83 for confirming International rates!


In-App Purchases

Rent Conversion

App.atlasearth.com Purchases

Explorer’s Club


The following are my assumptions for these values:

  • You are aware of the booster chart and passport levels
  • Your rarity distribution is average ($0.00000000158 per second)
  • You boost for 24 hours a day
  • Super Rent Boost (SRB) events run once a month for 64 hours
  • Time horizon is in years, where 1 year is 365 days
  • We don’t count rent acquired from other means other than purchase
  • For parcels purchased between 150 and 1721 parcels, you spend enough AB to maximize the next boost multiplier
  • All purchases are in USD, although the non-USA in-app purchases will likely be in local currency.

    Note: for non-USA, this is from 60 to 517 parcels
  • For badges purchased, you spend enough AB to reach the next passport level
  • The journey from 1500 to 1721 parcels is a sunk cost

    Note: for non-USA, this is from 450 to 517 parcels
  • Time horizon starts when you spend your AB, not when you receive your AB
  • Tax is not included in the cost
  • You only do a single jump in tier or passport level

As expected, your results will vary if these assumptions are incorrect in your situation. For example, expect the opportunity cost to be higher if you don’t boost for 24 hours a day or your rarity distribution is lower than average. Conversely, it is lower if SRB is more frequent or your rarity distribution is above average.

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How To Calculate Opportunity Cost

Now that we have values for one AB, calculating opportunity cost is simple. It is the cost to purchase AB divided by the product of yearly rent per AB and AB received from purchasing AB.

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How To Read The Tables

There are two tables for each purchase point. One is for purchasing parcels. The other is for purchasing badges to increase your passport level. Select the table based on how you intend to spend your AB: on parcels or badges.

NOTE: If you are jumping more than one tier or badge level, then you’ll need to do a weighted average the years for opportunity cost. See Example 2, below.

Below are two examples: one for parcels and the other for badges.

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Calculation Examples

Suppose that I have 50 parcels and 1 badge. My plan is to convert $3 of rent for 99 AB to purchase a parcel. if we look at the charts on How Much Is One Atlas Buck Worth In Rent, in Table 1, row 30X multiplier and 150 parcels, column 1 badge and 5%, the value of 1 AB is $0.01661 per 1 AB per year. If we plug these numbers into our formula, we get:

3 [cost of AB purchase] / (0.01661 [value of 1 AB for our scenario] * 99 [AB received from purchase]), or about 1.825 years, to get your money back.

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Example 1: Buying Parcels

Suppose you have 220 parcels and 11 badges and want to jump to 290 parcels right before an SRB event. You currently have 2,054 AB. You examine the various price points and are considering spending $199.99 on app.atlasearth.com for 5,150 AB. You access the Table of Contents at the top of this page and select this link under the “App.atlasearth.com Purchases” heading:


You examine the first table and look for your end goal: 290 parcels and 11 badges. You notice that it will take 18.99 years to get your money back! However, you figure the table is wrong because you are making $23 a month and could get $199.99 back in about 9 months, not realizing that the ~19 years figure is ONLY on parcels with AB from the sale. So, you spend $199.99 and happily collect less than a dollar of SRB rent.

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Example 2: Buying Badges

Suppose you have 220 parcels and 5 badges and want to jump to 31 badges during a road trip. You currently have no AB. You examine the various price points and are considering spending $199.99 on app.atlasearth.com for 5,150 AB. You access the Table of Contents at the top of this page and select this link under the “App.atlasearth.com Purchases” heading:


You remember what the author stated earlier about averaging years. You examine the second table and look for your end goals: 11 and 31 badges at 220 parcels. You average 6.58 and 13.78 years to get 10.315 years as your opportunity cost for your badges. You plan to play this app for a long time and will reduce the years by grinding for more parcels. Lo and behold, Atlas Reality announces three 32-hour SRB events in the next month! Score!

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The calculator I developed for these tables is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zbcJmVnrHxwXAzMiDsr2ld4ZOqs9po6SDsI_tjfwvy8/edit?usp=sharing. Feel free to customize your tables by changing the inputs for cost and AB received.

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In-App Purchases

$4.99 for 100 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$14.99 for 315 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$39.99 for 900 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$99.99 for 2,400 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Rent Conversion

25 AB Per Dollar

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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33 AB Per Dollar

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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40 AB Per Dollar

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – International Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – International Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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App.atlasearth.com Purchases

$4.99 for 110 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$39.99 for 990 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$99.99 for 2,550 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$199.99 for 5,150 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$999.99 for 26,000 AB

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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$1999.00 for 54,000 AB (Ultimate)

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Explorer’s Club

Days 1-30 (3,435 AB for $50)

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Days 31-60 (3,260 AB for $50)

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Days 61-90 (3,810 AB for $50)

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Days 1-90 (10,505 AB for $150)

Table 1 – Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 2 – Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 3 – Canadian Parcels Opportunity Cost (In Years)

Table 4 – Canadian Badges Opportunity Cost (In Years)

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Days 90-30 (4,635 AB for $50)

Don’t do this. It is now bannable. See https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/comments/1dsvnul/starting_the_explorers_club_on_the_90th_day_for_a/.

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Other Variations

There could be another variation that is more optimal than the 90 to 30 day strategy. If so, let me know!

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07/01/2024 – Updated 90 to 30 days. This is now bannable.

05/16/2024 – Changed Canada to non-USA/International and updated tables to reflect new rates for this group.

03/19/2024 – Incorporated Canadian opportunity cost.

02/21/2024 – Updated calculations and tables based on 64 hours SRB per month. Also added a conversion entry for 40 AB per dollar and Explorer’s Club entry for 90 to 30 day.

11/01/2023 – Changed “Breakeven” to “Opportunity Cost” Thanks to a conversation with u/Thin_Candidate6042/ on Reddit for helping me see I was misdefining breakeven!






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